PH16 Minecraft Server Instructions
Join the PH16 Discord server HERE
In the #role-assign channel, give yourself the @minecraft role by reacting to the corresponding message
A new channel is available now, the #minecraft channel
Connect to the Minecraft Server ( Once connected, you will be prompted to authenticate with Discord.
Once you’re authenticated, you can join and play!
Stay in the #minecraft channel for admin updates and questions!
Server Info:
Version: git-Paper-645 (MC: 1.18.2 latest)
Mode: EASY
Concurrent player cap: 20
Server-side Mods:
- One Player Sleep Data Pack - because coordinating 20 people to sleep is a nightmare (no pun intended)
- Player Home Teleport - allows for saving and teleporting to “homes”
/home teleports the current user to their home, if set.
/home set sets the current users home.
/home remove removes the current players home.
/home list list all players who have a home set.
/home <PlayerName> teleports the current user to PlayerName's home, if set.