PH16 is in the NATIONAL NEWS because of a highway collapse?!

PH16 is in the NATIONAL NEWS because of a highway collapse?!

Last week, PH16’s very own ChefBrent kicked off something that started out as an innocuous joke, per a suggestion that was made in discord.

Quickly, the idea morphed into a completely unexpected and MASSIVE success. A fairly normal occurrence around here…

Only three days after the collapse of I95 just north of Philadelphia, Brent fired up a brand new channel, aptly named FixThatJawn, and began a restream of the highway camera coverage on Twitch, giving us a front-row seat to the I95 demo and rebuild. Plus a place to do that whole PH16-creates-memes-that-become-merch thing.

This was fairly on-par for both Brent and the PH16 crew. But this week, the unexpected happened.

The Inquirer picked up the story:

Screenshot of the article on the Inquirer site. Read here: is more than just a stream - it's a testament to the PH16 spirit of innovation, community engagement, and our understanding that the livestream audience wants to be consequential. We're absolutely over the moon (over the overpass?) about the buzz it's creating and the spotlight it's shining on Brent and the team. It's all about pushing boundaries and having a blast while we're at it!

A massive shout-out to ChefBrent for his strategic broadcast building and out-of-the-box thinking. Head over to and let's keep the hype train rolling!

And don’t forget to give Brent a follow on all of his socials:

Movie Nights - The Prisoner

In 1967, a British Spy returned from assignment behind the Iron Curtain. He walked into his handler’s office, slammed down his formal resignation, and stormed out.

He returned to his London flat with every pretense of making an escape, but two morbid-looking men kidnap him and instead place him in “The Village”: seemingly a home for petulant spies.

There, he is subjected to demands for “information”, and put through ever-more devious and dangerous setups to get him to talk, to open up to his captors.

Who are these captors? Which side runs The Village? Where is it? What are its limits? Who is friend or foe? Who is the jailed and who is the jailer? What is Rover? Who is Number 1? Some of these get satisfying answers, some more speculative.

Join Rigilpaix, November 7-23, as we watch the show, in a series order closer to show runner and star Patrick McGoohan’s original vision. Each episode is 1 hr, and will begin at roughly 10 PM each night.

Be seeing you.

CelticCorpse Joins PH16!

If you’ve met someone with thousands of hours in Dead By Daylight, you’ve met an excellent meme-er, but Celtic is a cut above the average Dwight. Dabbling in standup comedy in the Before Times™, he’s always reliable for a laugh and a respectable killer looping. But hey, he plays more than Dead By Daylight! You can find Celtic mainlining all manner of horror, MTG, and sometimes even some good old fashioned Battle Royale games! So head over to his Twitch page, pinch his cheek, and get ready to embrace some wholesome shouting and heavy metal.

We are beyond honored to have CelticCorpse on the PH16 stream team!

[Kel-Tik not Sel-Tik]
33 Years Old
Heavy Fuckin' Metal
Full-Time Content Creator
Chicago/Silent Hill
Wrestling Mark
Outdated Song Puns
Horror Movies
Still Goth at Heart


Think you have what it takes to join PH16? Maybe you’ve hung around the PH16 community for a long time, and are thinking about getting started streaming on your own. Maybe, just maybe, YOU’RE BRAND NEW AROUND HERE! Well, you should apply REGARDLESS!

PH16 gains a LevelOneUp

After YEARS in orbit around PH16, we’d like to formally announce that we’re scooting some spare cushions out of the way to make some room for community friend LevelOneUp among the PH16 Couch Surfers!

90s Enthusiast! Burger King Kids Club by heart! I play a variety of video games, some people call me a variety streamer. I consider myself more of someone who just wants to play fun video games! Well what do ya say!? Won’t you be my neighbor?


Think you have what it takes to join PH16? Maybe you’ve hung around the PH16 community for a long time, and are thinking about getting started streaming on your own. Maybe, just maybe, YOU’RE BRAND NEW AROUND HERE! Well, you should apply REGARDLESS!

Movie Nights - 31 Nights of WHAMPIRE

Now an annual tradition for October, joystikNik is bringing 31 entire nights of 31 completely different Vampire movies. AND he was kind enough to share every single night with PH16!

There’s no exaggeration, every night of October at 11:30pm eastern time, he’ll be taking over the PH16 discord movie theater to share a new vampire film. Make sure you join the PH16 discord so you don’t miss a single night!

DoctorDnice makes a PH16 housecall!

Have you ever met someone who is so full of energy and brightness that you can’t help but be infected by their good spirits? In our book, DoctorDnice is that guy. He’s always laughing, smiling, and shouting “yooo” to his community both on and off stream. He’s an absolute treasure of a human being (or raccoon, if you catch his avatar in his Twitch streams!) and we’re beyond excited to welcome him into PH16!


Doctordnice is an upbeat and sweet army veteran and a lifelong gamer. He loves League of Legends, Total War Warhammer and Metal Gear Solid with the passion of a thousand suns and loves teaching others how to play! He’s a little shy, but just say “Hi!” and watch how fast he becomes your favorite guy!


Think you have what it takes to join PH16? Maybe you’ve hung around the PH16 community for a long time, and are thinking about getting started streaming on your own. Maybe, just maybe, YOU’RE BRAND NEW AROUND HERE! Well, you should apply REGARDLESS!

Chat Plays Chrono Trigger

chat plays chrono trigger.png

Chat Plays Chrono Trigger

Starting Friday, November 27th at 7pm eastern, Elliface is hosting a weekend-long event that allows Twitch chat to LITERALLY PLAY Chrono Trigger. That’s right, by typing the name of the buttons to be pushed in chat, you can play Chrono Trigger ON SOMEONE’S STREAM.


How It’s Done

Powered by Lioranboard, a free customizable stream deck running on PC, Twitch viewers who type in chat will have their commands registered by the locally running software, which generates keyboard presses inside the game. Lioranboard is also programmed to change specific sources inside OBS scenes to reflect activated commands. This makes it possible to visually see when your typed command is activated in the stream!

controller gif.gif

How To Play

The command list follows the layout of a SNES controller, so you can type in D-Pad directions, button presses, and even menu buttons right in chat.

LT = left trigger
RT = right trigger
UP = D-Pad up
DOWN = D-Pad down
LEFT = D-Pad left
RIGHT = D-Pad right
A = A button
B = B button
X = X button
Y = Y button
SELECT = Select button (not used in game)
START = Start button

How To Cheat

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Of course it can be cumbersome to type out left right left right in a chat box all day, so there are a few ways you can speed up the process. Here’s one:

Stream Deck!

If you have a Stream Deck, you can program buttons to send chat messages in any active window! To set it up:

  1. Create a button using System > Text

  2. Give it a title

  3. Add the corresponding text

  4. Make sure Press Enter after message is checked

  5. Put your cursor is in the chat window where you want the text to send (’s chat)


The stream starts the Friday after Thanksgiving at 7pm eastern and will run 24/7 until Monday, November 30th at 5pm eastern. Mods will be present all weekend and much of the stream will be supervised so elli can manually name the characters and unstick any stuck characters. Every 25 subs will trigger a merch giveaway for any DesignByHumans merch item, even stuff outside the PH16 team member stores!

What if we beat the game?

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There is very little chance that chat will successfully complete the game in the 70 allotted hours BUT if the game is finished before the end of the stream, elli will do a special COSPLAY COOKING WITH HEAT wearing a handmade sequin formal pikachu gown. Is it worth it?



The PH16 team is heading to the virtual Youmacon!

Originally (and still!) based in Detroit, Youmacon is a 4-day convention for anime lovers, cosplayers, video gamers and pop culture fans alike! For the first time EVER, PH16 was invited to host 6 panels over the course of the weekend with a range of topics from Vtubing to tabletop games:

I Bought a House with Magic Cards by Kevin_Spicy (he literally did tho)
Friday, 3:00 - 4:30pm eastern

The Weird World of Japanese Tabletop RPGs by @SymPhoenix
Friday, 7:30pm - 9:00pm eastern

Tales from the Loop Tabletop RPG (where the Amazon Prime series originated) by @SymPhoenix
Saturday, 2:30pm - 4:00pm eastern

How to Make Your Own Music for Cheap/Free by @Dr. Skeletal Potato, PhD.
Saturday, 7:30pm - 9:00pm eastern

Intro to Vtubing! by @LitaGemini
Sunday, 9:00am - 10:30am eastern

Masoquiztic by @Dr. Skeletal Potato, PhD.
Sunday, 12:00pm - 1:30pm eastern

For more about the convention, check out

FreyaLWN joins PH16!

Spend any amount of time around the PH16 community and you’re certain to have met Freya. She’s the most wholesome, universally loved person among any of us, and her creativity and patience are boundless.


On the cutting edge of RPG and co-op gaming, Freya hails from Indonesia, which means she’s our first international PH16 recruit! You can catch her on stream playing games like Ni No Kuni, Okami, Left 4 Dead 2, and her weekly community night game, Killing Floor 2.


Think you have what it takes to join PH16? Maybe you’ve hung around the PH16 community for a long time, and are thinking about getting started streaming on your own. Maybe, just maybe, YOU’RE BRAND NEW AROUND HERE! Well, you should apply REGARDLESS!

SymPhoenix joins PH16!

Are you into voice acting streams? Do you like story games? Have you ever breathed oxygen? If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then you need to go follow the latest PH16 recruit. The Troyboi himself: SymPhoenix!



Amateur game designer.

Tabletop and Kamen Rider nerd.

Lover of story-driven gameplay. 

Model kit builder.

Best Shirts Collection Jan 2020 Award Winner.


Think you have what it takes to join PH16? Maybe you’ve hung around the PH16 community for a long time, and are thinking about getting started streaming on your own. Maybe, just maybe, YOU’RE BRAND NEW AROUND HERE! Well, you should apply REGARDLESS!

PH16 Patch Notes 1.337


In today’s patch we wanted to focus on a more balanced experience between the viewers and the streamers. Because of this we've made some targeted adjustments to Elliface, Smokelesspanic, Troopzor, and a few others in the roster. We hope these changes bring the whole game to a better place for the upcoming PH16 Championship series.


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Since reaching the rank of SergeantOwl we have not yet been able to reflect that. With that said we decided to give a boost to his OwlRage ability. To further enforce his feel as a Sergeant we have also given him a classic sergeant ability, KNIFE HAND YELLING!

  • OwlRage +10 seconds duration (20 minutes and 10 seconds now)

  • Movement speed per level -5

  • NEW ABILITY: KNIFE HAND YELLING - When the Owl is enraged he may activate this ability to point at the source of his rage dealing 500 yell damage to the target. 



A lot of feedback we have received is that his singing voice is simply too powerful and puts everyone to shame. Because of this we have reduced his singing power by 5% and will be monitoring these effects closely with our internal data and will adjust appropriately. With that said we also adjusted other values to keep him within his win percentage.

  • Singing voice -5% 

  • Destiny 2 loot hype +4.20%



ChefBrent’s recent update caused his gameplay to shift drastically away from his cooking skills. To address this we’ll be buffing his cooking skills and adjusting his other playstyles to not be as strong.

  • Swedish Brent: Cooking Speed +12%

  • Ancient Alton Knowledge: Cooking Facts accuracy +30%

  • Cuphead SpeedyBoi: PB Strength -7%

  • IRL: Graphics -3%, Gameplay +5%



For the good Dr we addressed a major bug that was brought to our attention from the community. With that said we’re going to make a small nerf to his “I'M NOT ONLY SEXY BUT GOOD AT GAMES” Passive as it was negatively affecting the self esteem of the rest of the team. (How can one compete against such things?)

  • Dr’s joke generation routine only using dad jokes has been fixed.

  • I'M NOT ONLY SEXY BUT GOOD AT GAMES: Skill -14%, Sexy: +3%



Elliface has been dominating the scene lately and this has our balance team concerned. Because of this we have decided that she needs some drastic nerfs to bring her to a healthier state in the game. We believe these changes will bring her to new Frequent Effects Through Intelligent Sound Hose (F.E.T.I.S.H.)

  • Fish Put: +5%

  • Monthly Theme: -13%

  • Lexie Adorable Meter: -26%

  • Cooking ability: -18%

  • Food Blendering: +420%



Kevin_Spicy has caused some confusion with how spicy he really is. To better convey this information we will be adding a toggle to his Spicy ability. We will also be reducing the frequency of his puns as they were also causing rage induced drinking in his viewers.

  • Spicy Mild: Comments are SFW

  • Spicy Spicy: Comments are NSFW 

  • Pun frequency: -5%



With LitaGemini we noticed that her dirty jokes had been getting out of hand. To address this we will be nerfing them. To make up for this nerf, as it will be a large one, we have added a new ability to her skillset. We also have had to address a bug that allowed her feet to be shown on stream bringing her dangerously close to being banned from a multitude of countries.

  • Dirty Jokes: -69%

  • Rabbit Hats: Rabbits can now wear hats

  • BenchPress: +2%

  • Bug Fix: Feet removed



Naku has been in a great spot right now so we don’t want to alter his stats too much but we have decided that buffing his Video edit skills will help tune him towards a more fun playstyle. To keep this from moving him from his current spot we will be nerfing his bael element.

  • Video Edit: +5% 

  • Bael: -10% juicyness

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With the introduction of Escape From Tarkov streams we noticed that RexHavoc lacked any knowledge to really adapt to such a unique game. To fix this we had some targeted changes to improve his raids.

  • Careful Thought: +7%

  • Aggression: -23%

  • Game Knowledge: +12%



We’ve noticed that Tommcq hates Super Mario Sunshine but is playing it for a second time. To address this we have buffed his sunshine enjoyment stat. Outside of this change Tommcq is also in a great spot. This is accounting for his recent rise in sweet streams bro man (SSBM) ratio. With that said we want to increase his SSBM ratio with even more SSBM.

  • Sunshine Enjoyment: +69%

  • SSBM: +1337%



Troopzor’s recent Half-Life 3 runs have been going fantastic but we’ve noticed that he has been continuously faltering at Omega Laboratories Under Lancaster. We’ve also heard reports that Troopzor does not stream. These reports will be looked into, however we have no reason to believe Troopzor would lie to us as we all know Half-Life 3 has been out for over 5 years now. To address these concerns we will be increasing his streaming amount and his Half-Life skill. To compensate for these increases we will be nerfing his Half-Life Game Title by 2.

  • Streaming: +100%

  • Half Life Skill: +10%

  • Half Life Game Title: -2 (down to Half-Life 1 from Half-Life 3)



KingOfCalcium: Potassium increased 2%

Horrorhistorian: Added cosmetic hoodie.

GothicMedic: Command and Conquer reference ability nerfed by 75%. Only Troopzor can be that obsessed with C&C.

MadWorldGales: New equipable item - Gaming Computer

Neon_Hime: Given more swords

Smokelesspanic: Moved him to the Disco

xoMikey: Removed the rough and tough, Now just In The Morning

Final Notes

With the first quarter of 2020 coming to a close, don’t forget about your free IRL DLC redemptions. Each subscriber to anyone on the team qualifies for a sub package mailed directly to their door. This quarter’s package includes:

  • Elliface Good Eats style magnet

  • Cooking Elli FOODuary sticker

  • A very funny pin referring to the None Pizza w/ Left Beef meme

  • and more!

Fill out the form here for your sub package, mailed at the beginning of April!

A new team member has entered the game

New Year, New Team Fam!

The newest Couch Surfer is rolling into PH16 to jumpstart 2020 in the starchiest way possible! Everyone, please meet Doctor Sensual Potato, PhD.


Have you ever wondered how a you could have a PHD, be sensual AND be a potato? DrSensualPotatoPHD will show you how. Got some speedrun games? Hard to beat games like Celeste or just brainbreakers in general? Or do you want to sit back and enjoy some brewing. Tune in with DrSensualPotatoPHD and find out for yourself! P.S: he sings on TwitchSings too ;-)



Think you have what it takes to join PH16? Maybe you’ve hung around the PH16 community for a long time, and are thinking about getting started streaming on your own. Maybe, just maybe, YOU’RE BRAND NEW AROUND HERE! Well, you should apply REGARDLESS!

PH16 @ MAGfest 2020

Again? AGAIN?

You’re goddamn right.

Short for "Music And Gaming Festival," MAGFest is a four day-long event dedicated to the appreciation of video game music, gaming of all types, and the gaming community. The event runs 24 hours a day, and offers consoles, arcades, tabletop, LAN, live video game cover bands, chiptunes, vendors, guest speakers, and much much more.

The PH16 crew has returned to Super MAGfest once more, and we’ve got a pretty fun weekend planned!

Our very own @LitaGemini has a panel on Saturday at 2:30pm discussing Brands in the Twitter Era. Covering some of the fun accounts like Arby’s and Wendy’s and what makes them thrive. The panel can be found in MAGES Forum (ballroom Chesapeake G,H). She may also be doing this panel while in cosplay.

Much like last year, MAGfest newbies @elliface @chefbrent and @kevin_spicy are still ready to forego sleep for some great concerts, including the David Wise 5 show Thursday night with DJ Cutman and Mariachi Entertainment System.

@Chefbrent is super excited to meet the World Record holder for his Cuphead category (Jason 2980) before his run to kick off magFAST on Thursday. He's also hype to do some IRL streaming from the vendor area and arcade. He's also participating in a casual (aka comfy) group cosplay on Friday featuring characters from Sentinels of the Multiverse. Another panel to not miss is "Retro-Rare: Music and Graphics" with David Wise and Kevin Bayliss. You might know David Wise if you've ever heard the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack because he composed it. You can easily spot CheffyB as he'll be sporting a Cuphead & Mugman hat for most of the event.

Notably, much of the PH16 community is in attendance as well! @electrikdave @symphoenix @nicksmadscience @ga1c @ariatflames @carensir will all be around National Harbor this weekend. Want to keep up with the whole crew in ONE place? We’ve created a channel in our Discord that only MAGfest attendees can see.

Join the PH16 Discord server and grab the @Magfest role in the #role-assign channel.

At MAGfest and a little lost? Unsure of where things are, what to do if you’ve lost something, or if you’re allowed to Colossus roar after hours? The Guidebook app is the easiest way to get all of this info, and keep track of all the things to do at MAGfest. Check it out at


This fall was incredible! Spooktober and Nintendovember just flew by, and DeSIMber is just getting started!

We also added so many new Couch Surfers to the team already! THREE BEAUTIFUL BOIS! Check them out:

You could join, too!

Think you have what it takes to join PH16? Maybe you’ve hung around the PH16 community for a long time, and are thinking about getting started streaming on your own. Maybe, just maybe, YOU’RE BRAND NEW AROUND HERE! Well, you should apply REGARDLESS!

See you at TwitchCon nerds! ✌️


Who’s going? Tens of thousands of people, including Elliface, ChefBrent, Kevin_Spicy, and Rexhavoc! And what’s more this is Rexhavoc’s FIRST TwitchCon! That makes it extra enjoyable for all of us, even you!

Unfortunately, we’ve had to leave a few bodies behind this year. Tommcq, LitaGemini, and Troopzor are hanging back in Philly, holding down the sidewalk for us.

Actual footage of Rexhavoc being bombarded with streamer merch at his first TwitchCon ever

Actual footage of Rexhavoc being bombarded with streamer merch at his first TwitchCon ever

What even is TwitchCon?

TwitchCon is everyone and everything that makes Twitch Twitch coming together for an unforgettable weekend. There’s no better way to experience the excitement of this community firsthand.

But, if you ask Kevin_Spicy, his definition of TwitchCon is a liiiiiiitle different.

Are you going to TwitchCon 2019??


PH16's available meetup plans for TwitchCon (ᴀʟʟ ᴛɪᴍᴇs ɪɴ ᴘsᴛ)

  • Friday 11:30 am Magic: The Gathering MeetUp [Community Meetup Space - Expo Hall #531]

  • Friday 5:00 pm Opening Ceremony

  • Saturday 10:00 am How to Build Your Own Streaming PC (they usually give the PC away afterwards) [PJSugar Panel Room]

  • Saturday 1:00 pm D&D MeetUp

  • Saturday 3:00 pm Philly Twitch Meetup

  • Saturday 7:00 pm TwitchCon Party (scheduled PH16 meetup time)

  • Sunday 10:00 am Food & Drink MeetUp (Cooking With Heat baybee)

  • Sunday 5:00 pm Twitch Yearly

The best way to keep track of where the PH16 team wanders is with Discord. Join the PH16 discord, get your roles in order, and stay glued to the #events-📅 channel as we share info about where we visit.

Philly Twitch Meetup #4

Elliface here! September 14th was the 4th (Quarterly? Trimesterly?) Twitch Philly meetup, and the guestlist was packed. No, literally, there were people on the waiting list to get in. Have you ever seen that for a meetup!?

In attendance were the usual characters from PH16; ChefBrent, Kevin_Spicy and muhself (Elliface). We played Mario Kart, ate pizza, snagged some of the free Twitch t-shirts and sunglasses, ogled the Killer Queen arcade cabinet, and ChefBrent spent a considerable amount of time showing off in Cuphead with a fight stick. And did I mention that NicksMadScience was in attendance that weekend?


Enough about us, let’s talk about the awesome friends we met here! First up is Glooperdootle. He gave up gaming on Twitch to pursue the noble craft of dice making. so when we raided his channel after Cooking With Heat and found him making moulds to construct his own dice out of silicon, many viewers were bubbling over with questions.


As a thanks for the raid, he kindly promised he’d gift me the first set of dice he finished. They’re a glittery purple with white numbers, but some of the details didn’t quite turn out, so it’s back to the drawing board for more testing!

Glooperdootle was coaxed into bringing his ukulele by fellow Philly streamer Ubiquitee, who wanted a full on jam session at the meetup.

We got to talking with another streamer, BatSam, about her experiences with Twitch Sings. She’s had a lot of success growing on Twitch even when offline by contributing to Twitch Sings and hosting open duets. She’s full of so much energy, and has the voice of an angel, and as it turns out we share a good number of mutual friends on Twitch!

But mostly, we snapped blurry selfies to share with the internet.

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One of the last attendees to walk in was someone that PH16’s favorite moderator Jandraelune recommended to the community. TouringNews is a channel that digs in to the headlines surrounding a specific subject each day, and discusses with viewers in chat and occasionally attendees in a video call. It’s political in nature, but this guy’s running for an office in a few years, so consider it a study session!

Also, a photo can’t quite capture how tall this cat is, but trust me when i say he’s a magnitude higher into the atmosphere than his stream will have you believing.

Overall, the Twitch Philly event crew outdid themselves once again, putting on a fun stream and maintaining a packed event. It was such a fun time, and I can’t wait for the next meetup!

Oh, and you KNOW we’re planning on seeing most of these fools at TwitchCon 2019.


Cooking With Heat is Speaking at ODUcon!

Invited by PH16 community member @SymPhoenix the Cooking With Heat crew embarked on a road trip to Norfolk, Virginia to host panels at ODUCon.

Over the course of the 3-day con, the Cooking With Heat crew will be delivering 3 informative and educational panels.


First up is ChefBrent with his presentation about streaming IRL on any budget. In the presentation, titled “Your Life, Live On Twitch”, B walks through how to stream on a smartphone and then walks through the Gunrun backpack stream setup. You can catch him in the Webb center on Friday at 9pm!


If you’re around for another day, Kevin_Spicy will be dishing out all the details about how he bought a house with Magic: The Gathering cards. As a lifelong collector, he’s gathered tons of knowledge and he’s willing to share it! His panel will be in the Constant Hall on Saturday at 4pm.

Creative on Twitch w_ Cooking With Heat.png

Saturday at 6pm is Cooking With Heat’s introduction into Creative Streaming on Twitch. We’re 3 streamers who have been doing a constantly evolving cooking show for almost 4 years, and we’re very familiar with creative streams on Twitch.

Some of us are even highly opinionated about the software we use.


If you missed any of these presentations, you can find them in the files below!

Your Life, Live on Twitch

How I Bought a House With Magic Cards

Creative on Twitch w/ Cooking With Heat

PH16 is at MAGfest 2019!


Short for "Music And Gaming Festival," MAGFest is a four day-long event dedicated to the appreciation of video game music, gaming of all types, and the gaming community. The event runs 24 hours a day, and offers consoles, arcades, tabletop, LAN, live video game cover bands, chiptunes, vendors, guest speakers, and much much more.

Some of the PH16 crew has attended MAGfest a number of times. Our very own @LitaGemini has a panel on Saturday at 8:30pm discussing the Psychological Tricks of the Dungeon Master. If you can believe it, she did her Masters Thesis on D&D, so @LitaGemini, along with some other smart guests, will throw some science at you about how to improve your RPG experience.

If you can't find her, she's dressed up as Android 21 from DBZ FighterZ and drinking Devil May Cry themed cocktails at Pose on the roof while listening to our favorite video game DJs!

As for @elliface @chefbrent @kevin_spicy and @troopzor, these first time attendees are MAG newbies, but they're still ready to forego sleep for some great concerts.

@Elliface has been a big fan of GameChops and will be seeing IRL friends Grimecraft and DJ Cutman spinning Thursday night.

Kris Maddigan famed for making the music for my favorite game Cuphead is here for a concert and Q&A, which is @ChefBrent’s favorite weekend event!

Between @kevin_spicy and @tommcq there will always be a PH16 member at the arcade, 24/7.

When asked about what his most anticipated part of MAGfest 2019 @troopzor commented, and this is a quote…


Notably, much of the PH16 community is in attendance as well! @electrikdave @symphoenix @nicksmadscience @vince_vandal @ariatflames @carensir will all be around National Harbor this weekend.

Don't forget to catch @chefbrent streaming with his IRL backpack all weekend!

PH16 is at TwitchCon!


In the wee hours of Thursday morning, at 6am East Coast time, five of the PH16 crew rolled up to the Philadelphia International Airport to catch a flight to San Francisco.

We’ll be here on the Left Coast all weekend, hitting up the convention center early in the morning and catching sessions late into the night! From the Friday night concert until the panels on Sunday afternoon, come find us at the con!

Check out social media posts below, or follow our happenings in Discord.

Weekly Movie Nights are Kicking Off!

Starting August 21st, PH16 movie nights are on the official streaming calendar!

Every Tuesday, 5pm EST


To include everyone who wants to watch movies with us, we use allows up to 25 people to watch synced streaming video in a chat room together on any device, along with optional camera and microphone setup! Make sure you're joined in on the room and send a friend request to the host so you can hop in and out with ease! (did you see my bunny pun?)

Join the room here:

Got a movie suggestion? Hit up the form below and tell us what you want to see: